Podcasts For Teachers – Here at SATs Companion, along with our all-in-one online SATs preparation tool, we provide advice, tips and free resources to schools. Podcasts are fast becoming one of the most popular forms of media. They are great for building your knowledge and for learning insightful information in a time saving and convenient form.

We have come up with a selection of insightful podcasts that are vital to teachers in the UK. Some of these podcasts focus on key areas pertaining to teaching such as wellbeing, best classroom practices, time-saving tips etc..

Here are SATs Companion’s top 8 recommended podcasts to listen to…

  • The Edtech Podcast

The Edtech Podcast constitutes of a community of global educators and innovators in education and technology. The mission of the Edtech podcast is to improve the dialogue between education and technology, through storytelling and for better innovation. Access the podcast through the link below…


RATED 4.2 DURATION: Around 60mins

  • The TES Education Podcast

The TES Podcast is brilliant for anyone working in education to stay up to date with educational news and issues. We strongly advise teachers to listen to this podcast for it’s great content and a short listen. Access through the link below…


RATED 4.0 DURATION: Around 25mins

  • Pivotal Podcast

The Pivotal Podcast focuses on managing behaviour in the classroom, safeguarding, teaching methods and learning. This podcast comes with notes and listeners can participate through calling the hotline or commenting. Access through the link below…


RATED 4.8 DURATION: Around 45mins

  • The Teaching Space

This podcast is extremely useful for teachers whose working day continues even when they reach home. It streams on a weekly basis and during term time. Content emphasis is on promoting teaching methods through the use of technology, in order to save teacher time. Learn useful productivity apps and tools to use in the classroom…who knows you may hear of SATs Companion? Access through the link below…


RATED 4.2 DURATION: Around 15mins

  • Mr Bartons Maths Podcast

This podcast is not only a brilliant listen for maths teachers, but also for those working within the Education Sector. The podcasts features great inspirational educators and guests. Craig Barton, a maths teacher shares his personal experiences as a teacher, with recommendations of specific classroom practices to use. Lasting just over an hour, this podcast is a great listen on your journeys to work. Acces through the link below…


RATED 4.9 DURATION: Around 130mins

  • The Creative Classroom With John Spencer

Highly useful for primary teachers, this podcast highlights the importance of creativity and innovation in the classroom to allow your pupils to reach their full potential and explore their creative flare. John Spencer, a former teacher, explores research, interviews educators amd study real-life examples of design thinking in action. Take a leap into the wonders of innovation with this podcast. Acces the podcast through the link below…


RATED 5.0 DURATION: Around 25mins

  • TeacherToolKit Podcast

The TeacherToolKit is the most influential education blog in the UK. This podcast touches upon many key points and issues in the education industry such as teacher workload, politics, the link poverty and attainment etc. Roughly 30 mins an episode, you can listen on your break, journey, home or practically anywhere! Access the podcast through the link below…


RATED 3.8 DURATION: Around 25mins

  • Education On Fire

The Education On Fire podcast inspires teachers, showing how current schools are successfully embracing creativity. Mark Taylor, the host, shares how to create a conducive class environment for pupils who want to learn, explore and thrive. Access the link below…


RATED 4.8 DURATION: Around 30mins

These podcasts can be searched and downloaded on Apple Itunes app.

To find out more useful teacher tips and resources, follow our social media pages.

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