Looking for Help in Year 6

With Maths

  • Long Multipication & Division

  • Simplifying, Comparing, Ordering Fractions

  • Finding Percentages of Amounts

  • Using simple formulae

  • Generating and describing linear number sequences

  • Geometry

With English

  • Understanding synonyms and antonyms

  • Using semi-colons, colons, dashes and hyphens

  • Using further prefixes and suffixes

  • Spelling words with silent letters

  • Spelling of homophones

  • Guided reading

Sats companion question bankSats companion SPAG questions

We got them all covered.

Don’t let your child fall behind!

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Welcome to SATs Companion
The all-in-one SATs Preparation Tool that provides everything you need to help your child get ready for their SPAG, Maths and Reading tests in May 2020.


Sats companion Test Papers for KS2
Sats companion Develop confident learners

Engaging Video Lessons

Access a unique bank of video lessons specifically created for Year 6 pupils by UK teachers to help fill in gaps in learning.

SATs Companion identifies strengths and areas of improvement and also recommends SATs revision topics personalised to your child’s learning – just like a home tutor!

Help your child develop their understanding with 50+ video lessons on all the key topics, available at any time. In addition, all videos are structured just like a real lesson and help to build understanding for the Year 6 SATs.

Instant Feedback on Maths, Reading and SPAG Questions

No need to wait for Parents’ Evening! With SATs Companion, you can check in with your child’s progress at any time.

Each question is instantly marked which also means your child gets immediate feedback.

See exactly where your child has improved and what they need to work on to prepare for the Year 6 SATs.

Start your subscription today!

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‘SATs Companion has really helped me in my SATs tests so far. Thanks SATs Companion!!!’

SATs Companion - Y6 pupil

“My child really enjoyed using SATs Companion and he has also grown in confidence in Maths”

Karen - parent
Year 6 pupil

“Exceptional outstanding programme… would truly benefit all children in year 6. Highly recommended.”

Josephine - parent

“Dear SATs Companion team, my son loved your website last year. You helped him get organised, motivated, and above all, reach the high potential cohort at Secondary School. Thank you for all your hard work.”

Dr Kandil - parent

‘Thanks for the video lessons, it really helps me and my friends at school and at home’

Year 6 pupil