Schools using SATs Companion and Mirodo boosted progress by up to 30% and Reduce workload by up to 3 hours!

30,000+ kS2 Practice Questions Online

SATs Companion and Mirodo’s unique bank of KS2 practice questions will save you time preparing, marking and providing feedback. With over 28,000 questions and 40 different question styles, pupils can practice online in a fun and engaging way with instant marking and personalised feedback.

From Geometry to Fractions and Determiners to Reading Comprehension, questions, in SATs Companion, Year 5-6 questions are styled just like the real tests, to help build familiarity and prepare pupils effectively for the KS2 SATs Tests in May 2021..

Set differentiated practice questions on all topics, accessible both in class and as homework – all within minutes.

Sats companion attainment & provide targeted intervention

Transform your KS2 SATs attainment & provide targeted intervention

SATs Companion and Mirodo’s online tool will identify gaps in understanding and recommend personalised tasks for every pupil.

Detailed reporting on a pupil, group and class level helps to inform planning and saves time.

SATs Companion and Mirodo improves results by providing key information throughout the year. From understanding which topic your class is struggling with to the styles of questions which are problematic for your pupils, we’ll give you the data you need to help your class progress. Find out more

Develop confident learners

SATs Companion and Mirodo is designed to develop and build a solid foundation in across KS2, year 3 to 6, for Maths and English.

With regular practice and a fun and engaging platform, pupils grow in confidence and fluency. We understand catching up in learning after school closures may prove to be difficult. With personalised rewards and goals, SATs Companion and Mirodo keeps pupils motivated throughout the school year..

SATs Companion’s animated video lessons covering key topics, consolidates learning and helps to fill in the gaps.

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How SATs Companion and Mirodo has Helped Schools…


Pupils at Asquith Primary find SATs Companion Fun & Engaging

“Pupils found the platform easy to navigate and really enjoyed, and benefitted from seeing their answers and scores straight away – the children in my class were able to set themselves targets and ask for help in areas they struggled with before I had even looked at the scores myself – many took it upon themselves to watch the helpful videos and then redo the activity – this is an excellent feature. This year, we have decided to use SATs companion again as well as extending it to some of our year 5 pupils –  we would recommend it to other schools.”

Natasha Harding, Year 6 Teacher, Asquith Primary School, Leeds

Great Easton School uses SATs Companion for Targeted Activities

“We have used SATs Companion since January 2018, I’ve found it useful in supplementing and supporting children’s learning outside the classroom through the videos. The analysis tools show clearly who can do what and any areas which need more input so that activities can be targeted on that. We were very pleased with our 2018 SATs results, and using SATs Companion definitely benefitted our children in preparing for them.”

Rob Curtis, Year 6 Teacher at Great Easton Primary, Essex

SATs Companion’s Positive Impact at Hugh Myddelton School

“SATs Companion has been extremely useful at Hugh Myddelton as children are able to revise and practise SATs style questions both at home and at school. It has had a real impact on the positive data we have achieved in the past few years. This is because it links so closely with our classroom practice and real SATs style questions.It it is the only digital resource I have used to support children in their understanding of SATs and to support in their attainment that is so closely linked to year 6 style questions.”

Sophie Robinson, Year 6 Teacher, Hugh Myddelton School

SATs Companion Reduces Teacher Workload at Lea Forest

“SATS Companion is easy to access for both teachers and pupils – the children were able to use the programme independently straight away.We liked to use SATS Companion as a revision tool because there are a wide range of question types. It eased our work load as it meant less time preparing questions.By including SATS Companion tasks in our daily timetable, our children were able to focus and complete revision activities, gaining instant feedback and bolstering their confidence.”

Year 6 Teachers at Lea Forest Primary Academy, Birmingham

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