Looking for Help with Year 6 Fractions
Video Lessons on Fractions KS2 included:
Writing and Finding Fractions
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Multiplying Fractions
Dividing Fractions
Simplifying Fractions and Equivalent Fractions
Ordering and Comparing Fractions
Mixed and Improper Fractions
Improve your child’s knowledge on Year 6 Fractions.
Don’t let them fall behind!
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Help your child prepare for their Year 6 SATs tests
Everything you need to help your child get ready for their SPAG, Maths and Reading tests in May 2020. Boost your child’s confidence and accelerate their progress.
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Access a unique bank of video lessons specifically created for Year 6 pupils by UK teachers to help fill in gaps in learning.
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Help your child develop their understanding with 50+ video lessons on all the key topics, available at any time. In addition, all videos are structured just like a real lesson and help to build understanding for the Year 6 SATs.