Castle Hill Primary is a large three-form entry school in Suffolk. For the team at Castle Hill, it was important to find a platform that could adapt to meet the needs of all pupils. We found out how SATs Companion has been rolled out and what the impact has been on both pupils and teachers.
1) What did you use SATs Companion for at Castle Hill?
We used it for homework activities - it was really quick and easy to set up. There was no marking as children receive immediate feedback. If a child or group requires a specific intervention, the resources can be located quickly.
L. Gray Y6 Teacher
1) What did you use SATs Companion for at Castle Hill?
We used it for homework activities - it was really quick and easy to set up. There was no marking as children receive immediate feedback. If a child or group requires a specific intervention, the resources can be located quickly.
L. Gray Y6 Teacher
2. What value did SATs Companion offer for the team at Castle Hill?
The activities are online so there is a reduction in photocopying. We used SATs Companion instead of purchasing published revision books. It's great to have an online tool with thousands of questions for children to practice.
L. Gray Y6 Teacher

3. How has SATs Companion impacted intervention and assessment at Castle Hill?
With SATs Companion, work can be set to support a lesson. The videos are used to introduce topics to the whole class and then bespoke tasks are set for specific children or groups. If a child needs additional practice on a topic, this can be set quickly. The reports clearly show who has or has not grasped a concept.
L. Gray Y6 Teacher
95% of children who accessed tutoring in the spring term made progress in their last assessments. Of the two pupils who did not, both are still expected to meet ARE by May with one aiming for greater depth. SATs Companion was used with most pupils to support the delivery of tuition.
S. Hodgson Interim Deputy Headteacher
S. Hodgson Interim Deputy Headteacher
4) How have the parent community responded to SATs Companion?
They enjoy that children can access set tasks as well as independent practice with areas to work on in the results area.